You’ll Never Walk Alone

In the word of God, we discover a mystery which we are told shall not find it’s fulfillment until Jesus returns. The mystery is UNITY. (Eph 1:9,10) There are many among the body of Christ, including pastors, who, while shepherding their own flock, often feel as though they are journeying alone. For such as these, the heart of God and we at Ron King Ministries declare that our calling is to partner with all who choose to join with us in the service of our Lord, so that … You’ll Never Walk Alone

Pastors Connect Groups 

Through the Connect Groups of Pastors that Pastor Ron is in relationship with, his teachings then become available to the many people they care for. The men and women you see in these pictures are just some of the many pastors and their wives who join together in these on-line groups seeking to discover the heart of God for His people.

Unity is often profiled in God’s word as a mystery yet to be revealed. In these last days, God has been revealing his heart on this mystery calling upon His children to discover the wonderful blessing of becoming a part of something bigger than themselves. This ministry has been created to build up the body of Christ by sending out a heavenly declaration to all those who have ever felt disconnected or disenfranchised … you’ll never walk alone!

You are also able to access all of Pastor Rons teachings here on his website through the teachings page!

They are available for you to use.

Click here to connect to Pastor’s Ron’s youtube page or to access his teachings in an audio format.

Learn more about Ron King Ministries.

Ron is called to equip and lead disciples of Christ who are looking to go deeper in their journey of faith. Click below to learn more about him, and his ministries.

Partner with us by providing your used smartphones!

When you support a Pastor in Africa, you are supporting the entire community. Pastors are often the Medical Center Directors, The Orphanage sponsors, The school principals and directors and the source of food for those who are hungry. When we support the pastors we are supporting the entire community.

One of the primary ways that we are able to support the pastors is to provide them with our used smart phones (unlocked and free from security requirements).

By supplying our Pastors in Africa with our used Smartphones they can receive the teachings and resources that we make available online and in addition they can more easily be in touch with other pastors in their area to help to grow in unity together.

By agreeing to help this ministry in this way you are joining us in one of the most effective ways for us to come alongside these men and women of God that the Lord is using to build His Kingdom in Africa.

Please won’t you consider being a part of this ministry by providing your used smart phone(s). Your gift will in this way will really make a difference in so many lives.

Please be in touch with Pastor Ron through his email address below for us to be able to arrange to receive your valuable Gift.

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