Director of Ministry


Bishop Chrispin and Rev. Lois Chrispin

Beginning in February I will be meeting with Bishop Chrispin and a group of his Pastor Leaders for our first Connect Group gathering together. Bishop Chrispin will be responsible for the co-ordination of this ministry in Kenya. Our goal through our online meetings is to be able to bring refreshment and encouragement to all who participate as I seek to share the things that the Lord has placed upon my heart for His people in Kenya.

The fruit of this ministry over the last couple of years as it has grown up in Uganda has been a strengthening of the spirit of unity among the pastors and it is our hope as the Lord establishes and broadens the range of this international work that He will bless the wonderful pastoral leadership of Kenya in a similar manner. The Lord’s heart throughout all of scripture shouts out for unity and, as the body of Christ, there can be no more important goal at this hour than to do all we can to strengthen the church. The hour is late. The world is badly in need of the light that comes by the Spirit of God and His word. Many are lost and it will only be by means of a healthy church body that believers will be able to effectively push back against the prevailing blanket of darkness that covers our world.

Bishop Chrispin’s heart is to see the word of the Lord spread far and wide. In particular, he has a heart to reach the rural communities of his wonderful country which is exactly the heart of this ministry also. Welcome Bishop Chrispin and Pastors. I am so blessed and excited to see all that our Lord will reveal to his people as we learn to partner together as His faithful servants.

Bishop Chrispin is founder of Christ Co-workers Apostolic Fellowship Ministry in Kenya. RON KING MINISTRIES is privileged to be working alongside this man of God. Bishop Chrispin is the chairman of the regional interdenominational pastors forum. As our ministry partner in Kenya, Bishop Chrispin is responsible to oversee the smooth running of the Connect Groups, including welcoming and qualifying all those who feel called to join with us in all the Lord is in the process of birthing in this nation.

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