Today, believers everywhere find themselves living in a dramatically upside-down world where it seems more and more as though we are living as aliens in a foreign land. The word of God foretells of a time when men would exchange the truth of God for a lie. It speaks of a day when mankind would serve created things instead of the creator, when that which was always considered good would be seen to be evil and that which was understood to be evil would come to be considered good. Believers of all stripes, all around the world, have been seeking the Lord for direction and so as you read these words we would like to challenge you today and ask…

What if, you have been born for such a time as this?

Statement Of Faith

God, is the one true living God, infinite, all knowing, perfect in all His attributes, Ones in

essence, externally existing in three persons – the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible, is God’s word, truth without any mixture of error, totally sufficient, and completely

authoritative for all matters of life and death.

People, are God’s treasure, fashioned in His image, born with a sin nature and into an

environment inclined toward sin. Only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ can

people experience salvation.

Jesus, is God and Saviour, fully God and fully human. As the Son of God, we believe in His deity,

virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, atoning death, resurrection, and coming return.

The Holy Spirit, is God. His Presence and power, live within every. Christian from the moment

of salvation and securing them until Christ’s return.

Ron King Ministries - Mission Statement

Recently, while speaking at a conference in Uganda, Pastor Ron introduced himself as being first and foremost, a lover of God. It is in that light that Pastor Ron chooses to be known.

Ron has been married to Gail for 54 years and has 3 children and 9 grandchildren. The family resides on Vancouver Island where there are now three generations involved in full time ministry.

Pastor Ron has been called as one who disciples the body of Christ. Today he is a Pastor to Pastors but he has been discipling believers in Canada, the U.K. the United States and most recently in Uganda for over 40 years. Ron’s call to ministry is built upon the words of the Apostle Paul who wrote:

“Their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry and as they do this, they will build up the body of Christ. - Ephesians 4:12”

In keeping with His calling, Pastor Ron is actively involved in leading online discipleship groups wherever the opportunity presents itself in order to continue building up the body of Christ. Pastor Ron is called by the Lord to bring refreshing and renewing to the body which He does by seeking the heart of the Lord and then sharing God’s heart with those that he disciples. Ron has been anointed with a prophetic gifting which God continues to use as he ministers.

Ron lives his life in the conviction that the plans of the Lord are revealed in the presence of the Lord. For that reason his ministry is entirely based on a personal relationship with the Lord which serves as the foundation for all that he shares.

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