Israel, the Apple of God’s Eye
Ron King Ron King

Israel, the Apple of God’s Eye

As the body of Christ we find ourselves come to a time when many of the truths we have stood by for generations are now being called into question. No longer does the world adhere to a position that the word of God as it is revealed in scripture is to be received as absolute truth. Today, truth that is accepted in one moment is in the next declared to be no longer trustworthy. The bible, Paul’s letter to the church in ‘Rome spoke of a time when men would exchange the truth of God for a lie. We find ourselves to be living in such times. In this teaching I will be speaking of the Heart of God as it relates to the nation of Israel and particularly I will be speaking of the relationship between Israel and the church in these last days however the principal that I will lay out applies to every assault that the world may choose to bring where we are being asked to lay down our willingness to trust in the truth of God.

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