You’ll never walk alone

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Queen Esther’s response to these prophetic words saved the nation of Israel. Like queen Esther, as Christians in these trying times, we can choose to sit back to see what comes next, or, we can choose to respond to the signs of the times and take action. As this ministry began to share the Lords heart among believers in Uganda, doors began to open and the first Connect Group of pastors presently ministering to their own congregations was begun. As a result of our first visit, additional Connect Groups were launched so that today our Connect Group ministry is operating in numbers of communities across Uganda as well as in Kenya too.

As the Lord began to declare His heart for unity among His people, it became clear that topic was developing as one of the first fruits of this Connect Group ministry. Many souls began to turn from their old ways to make decisions to become followers of Jesus. God was on the move through our Connect Group pastors and many believers shared that just as the Lord had promised in the early days of our ministry, new life was rising up and many were being encouraged by the treasure chest of words that the Lord was releasing through this ministry to His people.

Historically, throughout trying times, unity among the believers has proven to be a critical component in the well-being of God’s people. The words of the chart-topping Christian worship song by Sinach declare our God to be our Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper and our Light in the Darkness.

Today, perhaps more than at any other time in living memory, believers all around the world are coming to recognize the need for the Lord to be our Light in the terrible darkness that blankets our world. As Christians, many are hungry to receive spiritual encouragement. They need the life-giving water that comes from God’s word to help them to rest in His promises which declare Him to be not only our Waymaker but our Miracle Worker too.

If you present serve as a shepherd to your own congregation and your heart aches to find a resting place among the body of Christ where you can truly belong, please consider partnering with us. What follows is a plan of action for you use so that you can consider joining our Connect Group ministry so that no matter what the future holds, going forward, You’ll Never Walk Alone.

If you are interested in the Connect Group Action Plan, please click this button to connect with Pastor Ron and he will be in touch with you!