Director of Ministry


I am so very pleased to be able to welcome Pastor Prince as the Director of Ministries for Tanzania for Ron King Ministries. It is my great privilege to walk alongside pastor Prince and together we are eager to see all that the Lord will accomplish through his ministry and among the wonderful church leaders that will join with him from among the body of Christ in Tanzania.

Dennis Emanuel Sanaya Gidiba, known as Pastor Prince graduated in 2018 from Landmark Baptist Seminary with a Masters degree in Christian Leadership and bible theology. Pastor Prince is 49 years of age and has been married to his wife Joymary for 19 years.

Pastor Prince’s home ministry is in Arusha City where he is walking out his calling as pastor to a growing congregation. He describes his calling to be, to raise up a Royal Priesthood of people for God. Pastor Prince is no stranger to opposition in his life and his faith is strengthened today by the many trials that he has faced throughout his life.

His immediate goal is to purchase land and a building where his people will be able to gather. As I have been coming to know Pastor Prince, I have been extremely encouraged to hear some of his stories and to hear his excitement on becoming a part of what the Lord is doing in the lives of African pastors through this ministry. As Pastor Prince joins this ministry endeavour, I want to take this opportunity to welcome all those pastors in your country of Tanzania who feel that they would like to explore this opportunity to become a part of this ministry of encouragement alongside you. For those who would like more information, please be in touch with Pastor Prince directly his Whatsapp number: 255 755 641014

Pastor Prince brings many pastor friends with him as he establishes the first Connect Groups in his nation. We know that this ministry which has been designed to share the heart of God to the servants of God will soon flourish and grow beyond our wildest imagining and in my heart I know it will not be long before the Lord brings opportunity for me to visit you and see your beautiful country in person.

We are so blessed to have join our family and so look forward to see all that the Lord will accomplish through your leadership.

Pastor Prince and Joymary