The Trouble with Trouble
Ron King Ron King

The Trouble with Trouble

Jesus said …..In this life you will have trouble. (John 16:33). He didn’t elaborate. He leaves it up to us to seek so that he will grant us the revelation we need.

To begin lets review the story of Satan’s fall from Grace. ….. Satan was an archangel. One of his names was son of the morning. Until his fall from Grace Satan held the very highest office before God. Satan desired to be like God. He became jealous of God’s plan to create humanity in. his own image and determined to do all in his power to thwart the plans of god to create humanity to reign throughout all eternity with Him as his family. Upon his fall from grace Satan became the deceiver of humanity. He became the destroyer and his primary goal was to separate man from God in order to defeat the plans of God.

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