The Dividing Wall of Hostility
Ron King Ron King

The Dividing Wall of Hostility

God wants to open the eyes and the hearts of those he loves. Do not be quick to set this word aside. We are living in days of great division when the people of God need to understand the things that will cause them to be wise and understanding.

There is a great darkness that has fallen on the world and people are intolerant of the other side. We have very little compassion or understanding for those with a different view point.

In the story of Daniel we read that God was able to make his children them wiser and more understanding than any of those that the king had assembled around him. In the same way the Lord desires that we be more wise and have greater understanding than those who trust in their own strength.

I don’t know about you, but in my world over the last weeks the airwaves have been filled by all that is taking place in Israel and as I have been following the news I have noticed how my feelings so quickly rise up.

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