Ron King Ron King


I was caught off guard when this month the Lord gave one of our connect group leaders a dream which it turned out provided me with the material for the word that I want to share with you this month.

The material that I will share is taken from the 6th chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. I’ve read that book countless times but this time I was looking at it from a different perspective. I was of course very familiar with the passage at the end of the chapter that talks about putting on the armour of God but I had not bothered to ask the question why. What we were being the armour for. Was there a particular issue that the apostle was wanting to address and so I went looking to see if I could figure out Paul’s motive in writing the letter the way he did.

What I found was as always hidden in plain sight but for whatever reason I hadn’t paid attention to it before. In verse 10 of the first chapter Paul declares that God has made know a mystery to us which is that his purpose is to bring unity to all things under Christ.

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