What is My Purpose in Life?
Ron King Ron King

What is My Purpose in Life?

As a young man, I found myself continually wrestling with one question more than any other……. ‘who is it that I have created to be?

Even after I became a Christian I found that I was still asking the same question….. In my younger life I moved from one career to another only to discover that finding my purpose was likely going to be wrapped up in more than just the job that I did every day or how I decided to make a living. .

The bible tells us that mankind was created to bring glory of God. (Isa 43:7) For me as a Christian, those words just served to bring up a different question because I had no idea how to discover what it meant to bring glory to God. As I continued my search I came across a statement that resonated with me made by one of fathers of the early church by the name of Iraneus. He said: To BRING GLORY TO GOD ... a person needed to be fully alive.

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